Getting Started

Runcible and MergeDB example

Setting Up MergeDB

MergeDB is a project created for Runcible to make declaration of configurations easier, as a result MergeDB is a preferred mechanism for defining Runcible declarations (although you can also use flat YAML or JSON files as well.)

For this example, I will build a simple 3 switch setup inside of GNS3 using Cumulus VX for the operating system.

Here is the topology:



It is highly recommended to use Runcible with switch fabrics only when you have a dedicated out-of-band management network that won’t become inaccessible in the event of misconfiguration.

First, create a directory that contains a file named mdb.yaml, which we will leave blank for now. This file indicates to MergeDB that we are creating a MergeDB database in this directory. Next we will create two folders, one for our device declarations, and one for our configuration layers. We will call these folders devices and layers. In the base of those two directories, create a file called dir.yaml in each directory and leave them blank for now. These files inform MergeDB that the .yaml files we will create in these directories are valid MergeDB declarations.


This directory structure is completely arbitrary. MergeDB is designed in a manner that lets you organize your declarations in whatever way makes sense to you.

Next, lets create a few configuration layers that define our switch configurations. Firstly, our switches all have the default U: cumulus P: CumulusLinux! credentials, so lets create a layer that adds those attributes to the meta object:

# examples/mergedb_getting_started/layers/ssh_auth.yaml
      username: cumulus

Next, our switches should all contain the same VLANS in this example, so lets make a layer that defines those:

# examples/mergedb_getting_started/layers/vlans.yaml
  {% for i in [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] %}
  - id: {{ i }}
    name: vlan{{ i }}
  {% endfor %}

Note that we are using jinja2 templating to avoid needing to duplicate the vlan definitions.

Now, lets create some layers that define our switch environment. In this example, we want all of the uplinks from the dist1 and dist2 switches to be tagged on all vlans, and the downlinks from the switches to the PCs to be untagged. As a result, we will create two different layers called core.yaml and dist.yaml.

# examples/mergedb_getting_started/layers/core.yaml
{% set vlans = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] %}
  {% for i in range(1,7) %}
  - name: swp{{ i }}
    vlans: {{ vlans }}
  {% endfor %}
# examples/mergedb_getting_started/layers/dist.yaml
{% set vlans = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] %}
  {% for i in range(1,3) %}
  - name: swp{{ i }}
    pvid: 10
  {% endfor %}
  - name: swp6
    vlans: {{ vlans }}

As you can see, our core has all tagged interfaces, whereas the first two ports on the dist switch are untagged, and the last port is tagged.

Now we need to create the declarations for our switches. In the device directory, create a .yaml for each of the devices:

At this point, if you were to run MergeDB, you would get blank output because we haven’t added anything to the build list. So lets add the rest of our inheritance structure and the build list to the dir.yaml inside the devices directory:

Now, run mergedb and inspect the built configs.

$ mergedb ../examples/mergedb_getting_started build
  - name: swp1
    - 10
    - 20
    - 30
    - 40
    - 50
  - name: swp2
    - 10
    - 20
    - 30
    - 40
    - 50
  - name: swp3
    - 10
    - 20

You can also check the build process for each built declaration to see how MergeDB constructed it at each step.

$ mergedb ../examples/mergedb_getting_started detail core.yaml
Initial Layer ../examples/mergedb_getting_started/layers/ssh_auth.yaml:
      username: cumulus

Merge Layer ../examples/mergedb_getting_started/layers/vlans.yaml:
        username: cumulus
+ vlans:
+ - id: 10
+   name: vlan10
+ - id: 20
+   name: vlan20
+ - id: 30
+   name: vlan30
+ - id: 40
+   name: vlan40
+ - id: 50
+   name: vlan50
Merge Layer ../examples/mergedb_getting_started/layers/core.yaml:
+ interfaces:
+ - name: swp1
+   vlans:
+   - 10
+   - 20
+   - 30
+   - 40
+   - 50
+ - name: swp2
+   vlans:
+   - 10
+   - 20
+   - 30

Running Runcible from CLI

Now that we have a database constructed with some switch configuration, we can run Runcible to configure our test environment.

[mergedb_getting_started]$ runcible ".*" apply -m .
The following changes will be applied:
Device core:
    WARNING: need vlan10 is not supported by provider <runcible.providers.cumulus.vlans.CumulusVlansProvider object at 0x7fe24e1258d0>
    WARNING: need vlan20 is not supported by provider <runcible.providers.cumulus.vlans.CumulusVlansProvider object at 0x7fe24e1258d0>
    WARNING: need vlan30 is not supported by provider <runcible.providers.cumulus.vlans.CumulusVlansProvider object at 0x7fe24e1258d0>
vlans needs:
interfaces needs:
    interfaces.swp1.vlans.ADD: 10
    interfaces.swp1.vlans.ADD: 20
    interfaces.swp1.vlans.ADD: 30
    interfaces.swp2.vlans.ADD: 10
    interfaces.swp2.vlans.ADD: 20
    interfaces.swp2.vlans.ADD: 30
    interfaces.swp3.vlans.ADD: 10
    interfaces.swp3.vlans.ADD: 20
    interfaces.swp3.vlans.ADD: 30
    interfaces.swp4.vlans.ADD: 10
    interfaces.swp4.vlans.ADD: 20
    interfaces.swp4.vlans.ADD: 30
    interfaces.swp5.vlans.ADD: 10
    interfaces.swp5.vlans.ADD: 20
    interfaces.swp5.vlans.ADD: 30
    interfaces.swp6.vlans.ADD: 10
    interfaces.swp6.vlans.ADD: 20
    interfaces.swp6.vlans.ADD: 30
Device dist2:
    WARNING: need vlan10 is not supported by provider <runcible.providers.cumulus.vlans.CumulusVlansProvider object at 0x7fe24e1259e8>
    WARNING: need vlan20 is not supported by provider <runcible.providers.cumulus.vlans.CumulusVlansProvider object at 0x7fe24e1259e8>
    WARNING: need vlan30 is not supported by provider <runcible.providers.cumulus.vlans.CumulusVlansProvider object at 0x7fe24e1259e8>
vlans needs:
interfaces needs:
    interfaces.swp1.pvid.SET: 10
    interfaces.swp2.pvid.SET: 10
    interfaces.swp6.vlans.ADD: 10
    interfaces.swp6.vlans.ADD: 20
    interfaces.swp6.vlans.ADD: 30
Device dist1:
    WARNING: need vlan10 is not supported by provider <runcible.providers.cumulus.vlans.CumulusVlansProvider object at 0x7fe24e125358>
    WARNING: need vlan20 is not supported by provider <runcible.providers.cumulus.vlans.CumulusVlansProvider object at 0x7fe24e125358>
    WARNING: need vlan30 is not supported by provider <runcible.providers.cumulus.vlans.CumulusVlansProvider object at 0x7fe24e125358>
vlans needs:
interfaces needs:
    interfaces.swp1.pvid.SET: 10
    interfaces.swp2.pvid.SET: 10
    interfaces.swp6.vlans.ADD: 10
    interfaces.swp6.vlans.ADD: 20
    interfaces.swp6.vlans.ADD: 30
Would you like to apply the changes? y/[n]

Once you click yes, Runcible will apply all of the changes listed. By default, the naive scheduler will be used which will run Runcible against the devices one after the other in the order specified.

Device core
    interfaces.swp1.vlans.ADD: 10
    interfaces.swp1.vlans.ADD: 20
    interfaces.swp1.vlans.ADD: 30
    interfaces.swp2.vlans.ADD: 10
    interfaces.swp2.vlans.ADD: 20
    interfaces.swp2.vlans.ADD: 30
    interfaces.swp3.vlans.ADD: 10
    interfaces.swp3.vlans.ADD: 20
    interfaces.swp3.vlans.ADD: 30
    interfaces.swp4.vlans.ADD: 10
    interfaces.swp4.vlans.ADD: 20
    interfaces.swp4.vlans.ADD: 30
    interfaces.swp5.vlans.ADD: 10
    interfaces.swp5.vlans.ADD: 20
    interfaces.swp5.vlans.ADD: 30
    interfaces.swp6.vlans.ADD: 10
    interfaces.swp6.vlans.ADD: 20
    interfaces.swp6.vlans.ADD: 30
Device dist2
    interfaces.swp1.pvid.SET: 10
    interfaces.swp2.pvid.SET: 10
    interfaces.swp6.vlans.ADD: 10
    interfaces.swp6.vlans.ADD: 20
    interfaces.swp6.vlans.ADD: 30
Device dist1
    interfaces.swp1.pvid.SET: 10
    interfaces.swp2.pvid.SET: 10
    interfaces.swp6.vlans.ADD: 10
    interfaces.swp6.vlans.ADD: 20
    interfaces.swp6.vlans.ADD: 30

API Device Example

Create a dict representing the desired state of your device (In this case, a switch using the Cumulus provider)

from runcible.api import Device, CBType
conf = {
    "meta": {
        "device": {
            "ssh": {
                "hostname": "",
                "username": "cumulus",
                "password": "CumulusLinux!",
            "default_management_protocol": "ssh",
            "driver": "cumulus"
    "system": {
        "hostname": "switch-test"
    "interfaces": [
        {"name": "swp1", "pvid": 22, "bpduguard": False},
        {"name": "swp2", "pvid": 23, "bpduguard": True, "portfast": True},
    "vlans": [
        {"id": 22},
        {"id": 23}
d = Device("switch1", conf)

The Device class provides two main methods, .plan() and .execute().

Plan generates a list of needs and displays them to the user as callbacks, execute applies those changes. Each can be re-run without re-creating the instance as many times as desired, but you must run them in the order .plan() -> .execute().

>>> d.plan()
{'has_fatal': False, 'has_errors': False, 'log': [{'message': 'system needs no changes.', 'callback_type': 'INFO'}, {'message': 'interfaces needs:', 'callback_type': 'INFO'}, {'message': 'vlans needs:', 'callback_type': 'INFO'}]}
>>> d.execute()
{'has_fatal': False, 'has_errors': False, 'log': [{'message': 'interfaces.swp1.pvid.SET: 22', 'callback_type': 'SUCCESS'}, {'message': 'interfaces.swp2.pvid.SET: 23', 'callback_type': 'SUCCESS'}, {'message': 'interfaces.swp2.bpduguard.SET: True', 'callback_type': 'SUCCESS'}, {'message': 'interfaces.swp2.portfast.SET: True', 'callback_type': 'SUCCESS'}, {'message': 'vlans.module.CREATE: 20', 'callback_type': 'SUCCESS'}, {'message': 'vlans.module.CREATE: 4044', 'callback_type': 'SUCCESS'}]}
>>> d.plan()
{'has_fatal': False, 'has_errors': False, 'log': [{'message': 'system needs no changes.', 'callback_type': 'INFO'}, {'message': 'interfaces needs no changes.', 'callback_type': 'INFO'}, {'message': 'vlans needs no changes.', 'callback_type': 'INFO'}]}
>>> d.execute()
{'has_fatal': False, 'has_errors': False, 'log': [{'message': 'No changes needed', 'callback_type': 'SUCCESS'}]}

If you don’t want JSON callbacks, you can also change the callback method to terminal to show what the CLI will look like.

>>> d = Device("switch1", conf, callback_method=CBMethod.TERMINAL)
>>> d.plan()
system needs no changes.
interfaces needs:
interfaces.swp1.pvid.SET: 22
interfaces.swp2.pvid.SET: 23
interfaces.swp2.bpduguard.SET: True
interfaces.swp2.portfast.SET: True
vlans needs:
vlans.module.CREATE: 20
vlans.module.CREATE: 4044
>>> d.execute()
interfaces.swp1.pvid.SET: 22
interfaces.swp2.pvid.SET: 23
interfaces.swp2.bpduguard.SET: True
interfaces.swp2.portfast.SET: True
vlans.module.CREATE: 20
vlans.module.CREATE: 4044